_ Me parece tierno, que el tercero en la sucesión al trono británico, haya cumplido su capricho de poder ir a dispararle a personas de verdad.
Seguramente tuvo tantos berrinches a lado del orejón de su padre, que al final ocupó sus influencias (que alguna tendrá) y lo mandaron a jugar, no sin antes haberle exigido al jefe del escuadrón, que garantice que el niño matará a por lo menos un par de talibanes, aunque sea con un par de súbditos afirmando a la víctima para que no tenga el trabajo de hacer demasiada puntería.
Acuerdense que cuando el dulce Franco iba a pescar, unos encargados le tiraban peces un poquito mas arriba para que el "Caudillo" no se fuera a enfadar.
Prince Henry Playing the War
Seems to Me tender, that the third party in the succession to the British throne, has fulfilled its whim to be able to go to really shoot to people.Surely it had so many tempers to side of orejón of its father, who in the end occupied his influences (that some will have) they sent and it to play, not without first to him to have demanded the head of the swarm, that guarantees that the boy will kill at least to a pair of talibanes, although is with a pair of subjects affirming to the victim so that it does not have the work to aim too much. Remember that when the sweet Franco was going to fish, the ones in charge threw fish to him just a little bit but above so that the “Caudillo” did not go away to get upset
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